Saturday, April 4, 2015

Week 8- What is my Final Product?

Hi everyone!

I have found that, although each week of the study is scheduled the same way, I continue to learn more about ASD and each individual child every week. At this point, it is difficult for me to remark on an apparent trend throughout the course of the study, because each child is so unique. For instance, some children instantly warmed up to the presence of a dog or proxy in the room, while others needed a couple weeks to adjust to the change. Some children were obviously excited to play with the dog, while other seemed like they couldn't care less. Every child is so different that I have found it difficult to point to one common trend amongst the children. Even so, every week gives me the opportunity to learn more about each child and their place on the autism spectrum.

As it is the eighth week of my project, I suppose it would be beneficial to talk a little about what my final product will be. Every student who is doing an SRP at my school is required to present something as their final product, whether it is a paper, an artistic work, or something entirely different. In addition, we will all be presenting our finding in a presentation next month. My final product will be a scientific paper that outlines the study that was conducted. This paper, similar to any other paper about a scientific study, will describe the methodology and results of the study, as well as any future implications for the study. This week, I began working on my paper and presentation, and it is definitely more difficult than I thought it would be. Previously, when I read articles about scientific studies in my science classes, the studies seemed relatively straight forward and easy to conduct. However, as I am quickly learning, these studies are anything but straight forward, and it is difficult to capture that in a scientific paper or presentation. However, it is all definitely a learning experience, and I am excited to see how my final paper and presentation will turn out.

As always, thanks for reading!

Swati :)

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